Ner Aryeh was restarted in 2009 as a Yeshiva high school and Beis Medrash. With a student body drawn from all areas of Los Angeles and across the United States, Ner Aryeh has established a reputation for its excellent Limudei Kodesh program and extracurricular programs. In 2015, Ner Aryeh received a full-term, six-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The Yeshiva is under the guidance of our Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Yechezkel Cohen, Rabbi Benyomin Lieberman, and Rabbi Yochanan Weiner, and is one of over 70 worldwide affiliates of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY.
Ner Aryeh challenges its students in a warm, cohesive Yeshiva environment with an uncompromising Torah and college-preparatory program. A critical aspect of this education is the focus on developing the future leadership of worldwide Jewry and the focus of instilling a sense of shared responsibility and communal obligation in all students. In addition, the yeshiva provides a resource for Torah learning and Jewish growth for the greater Los Angeles community.
Self-awareness and self-growth Educational Philosophy
The Yeshiva’s educational philosophy emphasizes selfawareness and self-growth. It values analysis and indepth study, posing thought-provoking questions and providing well-researched answers, as opposed to rote memorization, and repeated material. Students are taught to organize thoughts, challenge and debate, in order to gain strong insight and sophisticated understanding of all that they learn.

"One of the highlights of the yeshiva is that we're able to give so much individual attention. We have smaller shiurim, just to cater to the exact level of the talmidim."
— Rabbi Avrohom M. Mendelson
Assistant Menahal, Rebbe

"Ner Aryeh catered to my needs and capabilities. It pushed me to my limits and it really developed me into all that I could be."
— Dovid Lintz
Alumnus, Chofetz Chaim, Queens
Warmth and camaraderie Atmosphere for Learning
The atmosphere at Ner Aryeh is one of warmth and camaraderie. The Rabbeim strive to create bonds with their students – to build meaningful and nurturing relationships that will last well beyond their years at Ner Aryeh. They are available at all times, day or night, at school and at home, to help a student with a problem, or just to be a friend. They feel a deep sense of responsibility for the spiritual and emotional growth of each student. They express this feeling with a unique blend of love, respect and guidance that is the hallmark of a true Torah educator.
Student life Extra-curricular Activities
The Ner Aryeh high school experience is greatly enhanced by extra-curricular activities and programming, field trips, Shabbatonim and guest lectures. These activities include bowling, ice skating, arcades and laser tag, and much more. Ner Aryeh has two major shabbatonim during the course of the year, as well as monthly Rosh Chodesh Mesibos. These events are designed to create achdus, camaraderie, and friendship amongst the students themselves, and with the Rabbeim, and have proven to be a major highlight of the Ner Aryeh experience.

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