Rabbi Benyomin Lieberman
Parshas Behar
Getting a Fresh Start
Parshas Acharei Mos
Being Kadosh - Kedoshim
Parshas Kedoshim
Chashivus Hatorah
Parshas Yisro
Constantly Growing
Gedorim and Hashpaah
Ki Sisa
Parshas Beshalach
Reaching Higher
Parshas Noach
Torah Mechaper
Parshas Ki Savo
Parshas Vayeira
Negiyos / Inconsistencies
Parshas Vayigash
Parshas Behar
Admitting Mistakes
Seeing the Big Picture
The Power of Torah
Parshas Zachor
Feeling the Pain of Others
Parshas Noach
Its Not All or Nothing
Parshas Yayishlach
Consistent and Persistent
Parshas Vayechi
Winter Break Nisyonos
Parshas Bo
Seeing Hashem in Your Everyday Life
Parshas Tzav
Rabbi Avrohom M Mendelson
Are Magicians Kosher
Parshas Kedoshim
Ashkenazi vs Sefardi Pronunciation
Embarrassing a Thief
Handling Pets on Shabbos
Is NYC Drinking Water Kosher
Its Not My Money
Lets Talk About Jealousy
Making or Owning a Doll
Maybe You Are Just Being Lazy
Why Were They Hitting Those Frogs
Join us at Ner Aryeh for the Monthly Shabbos Mevorchim shiur of Rabbi Avrohom M. Mendelson.
In the HaRav Chaim Yisroel
Halevi Belsky zt”l Beis Medrash.
12500 Burbank Blvd
Shachris at 8:30 am
Followed by Kiddush
Shiur at 11:00 am
To sponsor a shiur, please email